Discover the Top 8 Timeshare Companies You Should Avoid


Welcome to an interesting trip through the dark side of the timeshare business as we look at the 8 worst timeshare companies in the world.

In a market that used to be full of dream holidays, these companies have left behind unhappy customers, broken promises, and debt. Because of pushy salespeople and shady contracts, buying a piece of paradise has often turned into a nightmare for people who don’t know what’s going on.

Let’s look into the shady world of timeshares and find the companies that have ruined the reputation of this once-enticing way to take a holiday, making many people regret their purchases and long for a getaway.

1. The Diamond Resorts

Diamond Resorts is one of the worst timeshare companies. Its main office is in Las Vegas, Nevada. It has other offices in the UK, Florida (in Orlando), and Lancaster, Florida. Along with about 370 sites in more than 30 countries, it serves a large area.

Even though the company has hosted famous people like Brittany Lincicome, Brian Gay, and Reggie Jackson, it has major problems with how it treats its customers. People say that Diamond Resorts broke the Consumer Fraud Act. This company was sued by the Arizona Attorney General in 2016 for some reasons.

2. Resorts at Westgate

The Westgate Resorts company was started by David A. Singel in 1982. It had more than 29 stops in several US cities by 2021. People who own timeshares and work for the company say they are mistreated, and it is one of the worst timeshare companies you can find. On top of that, it has always been at odds with the central government.

It is the rental company that has been sued the most. Dawn Myers, a former worker there, said that the company’s founder, David Sigel, hit her. When the company was found guilty, it was fined more than $600,000 for both criminal damages and general damages to the worker. In 2015, the Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s ruling that the company should pay a $ 500,000 fine for using pushy sales techniques to get people to buy.

The case showed what kind of company it was by showing that it didn’t follow safety rules. 300 people who used to work in sales sued because they weren’t paid their fees. Tutor-Saliba Corporation also took it to court for not paying after building its pH Towers. Most of the time, Watergate Resort cheats its customers, workers, and other businesses.

3. Vacations with the Holiday Inn Club

A close study of customer reviews shows that the company has been accused of not having any morals in its business practices. It is said that most of its workers do not have proper background checks. Another user said that the company has done all the wrong things in the business world; it makes a good first impression but then changes its ways later on.

People who own timeshares there say that the company’s hiring process is very open and that new employees are hired right away. Holiday Inn Club has also been blamed for giving clients bad training materials and not telling them about changes on time. There aren’t many good ways to settle internal conflicts, and management can choose which ones to use. The Rinehuls family sued the company for breach of contract and breaking the Fair Credit Reporting Act because they reported their loan payment history incorrectly and didn’t check it.

It still went ahead and lied about the same thing. Employees have also said that it changes the main contract without giving enough notice by giving orders that do things like changing workstations. The Coalition to Reform Timeshares says that timeshare owners sued the company for using high-pressure sales methods to get them to buy from them.

4. Bluegreen Company

The main office of the Bluegreen Corporation is in Boca Raton, Florida. The company has over 60 company-owned timeshare resorts and about 4,500 staff right now. It aims its booths and ads at the normal American by placing them in places where they are easy for customers to find. It tempts you with the yummiest weekend treats before things get better. A lot of people have complained about the company.

Based on what people have said, this is one of the most dishonest businesses ever. First, buyers have said that it sets prices that can’t be changed and doesn’t let them. The company also uses high-pressure sales techniques to get people to buy into its plans. Bluegreen Corporation is very smart because it doesn’t say anything about how prices will change in the future in the beginning.

Still, it slowly clings to weak reasons to bring them up later in the relationship. Customers have complained that the company has told them about buy-back schemes that don’t exist. According to The Abrams Firm, the company has overcharged customers more than once.

5. Timeshare Users Group

Another name for the Timeshare Users Group is It is a business that claims to help people find information about timeshare possibilities. They have a forum where people can ask questions and get replies from people who say they are experts.

It costs $15 a year to be a member. Do not fall for it. Interval International is owned by the Marriott company, which this business works with. In other words, they are likely to tell you to buy their services or goods.

This company is on this list because it does bad things, which is unfortunate. The TUG company also has ways for people to get out of their timeshares or buy them from other people for as little as $1. They get bad marks for customer service on websites all over the internet because a lot of complaints are made.

6. Marriott Vacations All Over the World

The Better Business Bureau says that Marriott Vacations Worldwide gets a lot of complaints and has a low overall score for customer happiness. People have been locked into property deals with little or no way to get out of them in the past.

They say they give you a way out, but most people say they lie about that choice. In addition, they use high-pressure sales techniques to put people at property meetings on the spot. There are also very high upkeep fees, and the timeshares themselves are quite pricey.

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7. Timeshare Owners LLC

Since 1946, Werner and Billy Butlin have been running the business. To begin, they made their summer camp bigger so it could fit more people. After seeing how well the business idea could work, they chose to go ahead with it. At first, the company provided excellent services, including self-catering and staying in fancy places. Before the 1980s, when more houses started being built, everything was fine.

It started using illegally pushy sales methods to get more people. It began giving clients false information, which is now the norm. The list has the most reliable sources on the worst rental companies. What customers say about the business is very bad. Two claims have been made against the company: breach of contract and giving clients false information.

8. The Shell Vacation Club

Shell Vacation Club has more than 24 great places to stay in North America. The chances are that they won’t tell you that you can break the contract at any time and still get your money back when you sign it. They charge a lot to renew every year, which is like getting a rental.

Its arrangements are set up so that even if you pass on your timeshare to your children or grandchildren, they will still have to pay some money. They take time to answer when people want to talk to them. Their method for handling complaints internally isn’t very good.

When it comes to solving problems, it gives you special treatment based on how much you have spent. Some customers have also said that they have to wait too long to be approved for membership, even after making the necessary payments.


In the end, our research into property companies has shown us how common it is for them to lie, treat customers badly, and break promises. From Diamond Resorts to Shell Vacation Club, these businesses have left a trail of unhappy customers and court cases. Buyer beware, for sure.

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