7 Startling Reasons Why People Refuse to Relocate to Texas


Texas’s pleasant environment, varied culture, strong economy, and low taxes make it an attraction for many people. Still, not everyone finds moving to the Lone Star State all that appealing. Discovering seven unexpected facts reveals the reasons behind some people’s reluctance to relocate to Texas.

Exorbitant Living Expenses

Despite not having a state income tax, Texas is heavily indebted due to other levies. With an average property tax rate of 1.69% of home value, it is a notably high rate. Furthermore, depending on the locality, sales tax rates can vary from 6.25% to 8.25%. Particularly in large areas like Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, where housing, transportation, food, and healthcare expenditures all exceed national averages, the entire cost of living is higher than normal.

Traffic Problems

Texas might not be the best place to go if you’re not a fan of traffic. The state suffers greatly from traffic, especially in cities. According to a 2020 INRIX analysis, drivers in Houston, Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio spend between 50 and 75 hours a year in traffic, ranking them among the top 25 most congested cities in the US. This problem is exacerbated by the state’s enormous size, frequent road construction, restricted public transportation options, and quick population expansion.

Severe Weather Conditions

Texas sees a variety of extreme weather occurrences, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, wildfires, hailstorms, and snowstorms, while having a sunny and mild environment. Regretfully, the state has the most recorded natural disasters in the United States (268 since 1953). The recent winter storm in February 2021 highlighted the erratic and occasionally dangerous weather conditions by causing extensive power outages, water shortages, and fatalities.

Lots of Bugs

Arachnids and other insects abound in Texas, some of which are dangerous to human health. The state’s wide variety of insects can be irritating, dangerous, or even fatal. Examples include disease-carrying mosquitoes, fire ants, and tarantulas. For locals, getting rid of these pests can be an ongoing struggle.

Politics of the Conservatives

Texas, a predominately red state, supports conservative values and has backed Republican politicians for many years. Profound political positions include a penchant for the death penalty, lax gun restrictions, antagonism to environmental controls, and rejection of immigration reform. Liberals and progressives may feel alienated or out of place in this political environment.

Difficulties in Education

Texas does not score well in the rankings of education; it is ranked 43rd in higher education and 39th in public education. This assessment takes into account a number of factors, including funding, test results, college preparedness, and graduation rates. In terms of teacher pay, the state comes in bottom in the US, with an average income of $54,122 as opposed to the $61,730 national average.

Issues with Healthcare

Texas’s healthcare system confronts difficulties because the state is ranked 37th in the nation for outcomes, affordability, quality, and accessibility. With 18.4% of Texans without health insurance, it also comes in bottom place. Texas’s expected life expectancy is 78.5 years, which is less than the 78.9-year national average.


In summary, Texas has a lot to offer, but it also has a lot of disadvantages. People should carefully assess the benefits and drawbacks of moving to the state, as well as the trade-offs and difficulties that come with it, before opting to make the shift. It’s important to consider your options carefully before making such a big move, as Texas might not be suitable for everyone.

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